Engineering a Better Year

engineers and building plansNew Year’s resolutions are all about finding tangible means of achieving change. Penning goals for 2015 isn’t a stretch for engineers; their mindset hinges on innovation and attainment. But frivolous resolutions like “earn more” and “be happier” simply aren’t feasible goals. Enrich your professional life, business world, and the environment by following these 3 New Year’s resolutions for engineers.

Personal Resolutions for Engineers

New Year’s resolutions like “find a new engineering career” aren’t simply a pipe dream, but they do take a little work. If you’re unfulfilled, unchallenged, or unnoticed at your current firm, it’s time to dust off the CV and find a new opportunity. Get a jump on landing a challenging engineering position by submitting your work history to Engineering Search Partners. We have recruitment teams in Atlanta, Denver, New Orleans, and Houston, meaning no matter where you are, we have insight on the structural, electrical, and forensic engineering careers in your area.

New Year’s Resolutions for Work

Building a positive and effective work environment has ripple effects for countless employees in your organization. To truly affect change in your office, talk to your coworkers about what frustrates them at work. Do they lack direction? Talk to fellow engineers about mentorship programs. Is there a communication breakdown between upper management and lower-level employees? If you’re not in a leadership position at your firm, take the initiative to discuss issues with your bosses. The first step in revolutionizing the office is to identify the changes needed.

Environmental Goals for Engineers

Engineers don’t simply change their personal and professional lives, but the entire world. Whether you’re a civil engineer in Denver or a structural engineer in Atlanta, make a resolution to use greener principles of engineering and design. By making a concerted effort to create greener projects, engineers can minimize waste, increase efficiency, and save energy long-term.

Don’t wait another year to become the engineer you were born to be. For help finding an engineering firm with the personal goals, office culture, and green building principles that support your dream work environment, call Engineering Search Partners.

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