Creating a compelling LinkedIn profile is a crucial step in finding a satisfying engineering job, but many job seekers aren’t sure where to start. Filling out a bland, incomplete, or copy/pasted LinkedIn profile can undermine strong work experience, making you less likely to find a career. To make the most of your online job search, make sure you’re optimizing your LinkedIn profile with these 5 tips.
Be professional. In the digital age, many job seekers lose touch with what’s appropriate to post where potential employers might see. Set your Facebook and Twitter profiles to private and keep casual photos, comments, and articles off your LinkedIn account.
- Be personal. Unlike a standard resume, LinkedIn gives engineers the opportunity to understand the aspects of a company that employers don’t advertise, like corporate culture or mentorship. The same holds true for recruiters. Make your profile personable and compelling, Your LinkedIn profile doesn’t just represent your work experience, it represents who you will be as a member of an engineering team.
- Be different. LinkedIn presents an opportunity for engineers to show recruiters their leadership skills, innovative thinking, and passions. Don’t be afraid to list volunteer work, talk about projects you’re passionate about, and discuss the future of engineering in your field. LinkedIn allows job hunters to show potential employers that they’re driven, focused, and ready to dive in.
- Manage your settings. Make sure you know what information you’re broadcasting to your network. If you’re adding a new accomplishment, send out notifications to the professionals in your network. If you’re tweaking the wording on your profile, change your settings to private.
- Get connected. The professionals who get the most out of LinkedIn are the people who are the most involved. Update your profile regularly, expand your network of engineering professionals, and join engineering groups on LinkedIn. You’ll create a stronger web presence and make connections that could develop into meaningful business relationships.
Are you ready to connect with your dream job? Call Engineering Search Partners to help you find an engineering career in Atlanta.